Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Hot Chip- Made In The Dark 2008

El 4 febrero saldrá el tercer álbum de los ingleses que se llaman Hot chip. Como ya anuncié en enero sacaban su primer single "Ready for the floor".

Comentarios de Taylor:

"We recorded six demos in January, and that was our first experience being in a studio other than a room or a basement,"

"I remember a lot of discussion about improvising in the studio, and listening to bands like This Heat,"

"We wanted to take it away from the computer; it became more about recording everything we do, and piecing it together later."

Además en una entrevista reciente de la banda que he leído para la revista Uncut dicen que quieren hacer lo mismo que Radiohead, lo mismo que han hecho con su último álbum "In Rainbows". Joe Goddard comentaba que no quería trabajar bajo la presión de tener que grabar su próximo álbum en un estudio.

Estas fueron sus palabras:

“We’re incessantly producing new music. That’s partly because I’m terrified of having to go to a farmhouse in Wales for two weeks with no ideas and be forced to jam until we’ve made an album.”

La edición especial del álbum viene acompañado por un DVD.

Este es el tracklist:

1. out at the pictures
2. shake a fist
3. ready for the floor
4. bendable poseable
5. we're looking for a lot of love.
6. made in the dark
7. one pure thought
8. hold on
9. wrestlers
10.don't dance
11. whistle for wil
12. in the privacy of our love

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